Pedagogías críticas americanas

José Alejandro Tasat (ed.), Universidad de Tres de Febrero


The book’s title, “American Critical Pedagogies,” tends to describe and explain avatars that inhabit the educational field. We understand pedagogy as the philosophical currents addressing the educational framework and share a critical view of the educational process approach. Such criticism is understood not as a description of attributes but as an optimal distance between one and the other, with sovereignty and decision-making power, so one is not alienated from the desire of the other within this alienating capitalism from our human condition.
The book is presented as a unit that relates the diversities of the different latitudes in our American territory, the aspects of intervention in the various educational levels, and the multiple approaches of dissimilar, heterogeneous recipients, including ancestral wisdom addressed in education, community education, inclusive education, and new proposals to conceptualize our practice in the teaching and learning process. Thus, we address the first questions of the meaning of education, its history of common assumptions of truths in the avatars of the interculturalities inhabiting in Nuestra América (Our America in English). This book will be worked on the path of teacher training, in specialization studies, and postgraduate studies in the social sciences, providing categories and stories of experiences applicable to the situated educational field. We respect the languages of the authors as a domain of their culture and in the effort of territorial integration, where language is not a limit but the condition of our ability to generate understanding and dialogue.

Palabras clave: Critical Pedagogy, Educational research, Pedagogical research, Teaching


  • Avatars Of “Interculturality”
    Walter D. Mignolo, Rita Laura Segato, José Alejandro Tasat
  • Critical Community Pedagogy
    Ethical And Moral References In Two Indigenous Peoples Of Chiapas
    Antonio de Jesús Nájera Castellanos, Víctor del Carmen Avendaño Porras
  • Assumptions For A Critical Pedagogy In American Interethnic Territories
    Ricardo Salas Astrain , David Téllez Ramírez
  • Pedagogies Of Ancient Times
    Carla Wainsztok
  • Towards A Philosophical Education In Dialogues Between Cultures
    Mauricio Langon
  • Questioning The Common In Inclusive Education
    Fabiana Demarco , Egle Pitton
  • Autonomy, Notion Of Being And Ethical Education
    The Contributions Of Paulo Freire And Rodolfo Kusch To Latin American Education
    Alonso Bezerra De Carvalho, Fabiola Colombani
  • Towards An American Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy After Auschwitz
    José Antonio Olivares Mena
  • The South Without Greece
    Drafts For A Mestizo Socratic Maieutics
    Mariana Chendo
  • Sociology Of The Image
    Interculturality From The Guaraní Mbyá Indigenous School
    Márcia Luísa Tomazzoni, Magali Mendes De Menezes
  • The Conquest Of Differences
    The “Antagonism Of Races” In The Liberal Civilizational Project In Latin America
    Román Santiago Artunduaga-Narvaez

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ISBN-13 (15)



1 November 2024