Building A Culture In Research Ethics, Bioethics And Scientific Integrity

Nancy Esperanza Flechas Chaparro, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia; Sandra Viviana Cáceres Matta, Universidad del Sinú; David Armando Castañeda Ayala, Universidad de la Sabana; Magda Liliana Rincón Meléndez, Independent; Edith Yohanna Useda Sánchez, Universidad de Nariño (Pasto); Diana María Rodríguez González, Universidad Libre (Cali); Betty Martínez Ojeda, Universidad Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO); Deyanira Duque Ortiz, Minciencias; María Consuelo Bernal Lizarazú, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia; Rodrigo Hernán García Alarcón, Universidad de san Buenaventura


The book “Building a Culture of Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity” is the product of collective reflection and discussion processes, among SNCTeI* actors, linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology (Minciencias) and the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD); Universidad Minuto de Dios, Bogota (UNIMINUTO); Universidad Libre, Cali; Universidad de Nariño, Pasto; Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena; Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cartagena and independent researchers interested in research ethics, bioethics and scientific integrity. It points out the importance of training, for the generation and appropriation of a culture in Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity, as part of the roadmap proposed from the Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity Policy - EIBIC+, (Minciencias, 2018).
It addresses the topics: Cognitive Biases, Attitudes and Behaviors that affect research and innovation processes in the Areas of Knowledge identified by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD: Environmental Sciences; Basic Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Education; Biomedical Sciences and Engineering. All research and innovation processes should be self-critical, fostering a culture of EIBIC at all educational levels.

Palabras clave: Research ethics, Bioethics and scientific integrity, Research and innovation process, Scientific research, Cognitive bias, Scientific integrity


  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Warning
  • Chapter 1. Methodology
  • Chapter 2. Conceptual Developmenton the role of training in the generation and appropriation of a culture in Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity
    transformation of cognitive biases, attitudes, and behaviors
    David Armando Castañeda Ayala, Magda Liliana Rincón Meléndez
  • Chapter 3. Theoretical framework
    Importance of training for the generation and appropriation of the culture of Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity Basic and Environmental Sciences
    María Consuelo Bernal Lizarazú, Nancy Esperanza Flechas Chaparro
  • Chapter 4. Theoretical framework
    importance of training for the creation and adoption of a culture of Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity in Colombia Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Education
    Diana María Rodríguez González, Edith Yohanna Useda Sánchez, Betty Martínez Ojeda
  • Chapter 5. Importance of training for the generation and appropriation of culture in Research Ethics, Bioethics and Scientific Integrity
    Rodrigo Hernán García Alarcón, Sandra Viviana Cáceres Matta
  • Conclusions

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Cómo citar

Flechas Chaparro, N. E. ., Cáceres Matta, S. V., Castañeda Ayala, D. A., Rincón Meléndez, M. L. ., Useda Sánchez, E. Y. ., Rodríguez González, D. M. ., Martínez Ojeda, B. ., Duque Ortiz, D. ., Bernal Lizarazú, M. C. ., & García Alarcón, R. H. . (2024). Building A Culture In Research Ethics, Bioethics And Scientific Integrity. Sello Editorial UNAD.

ISBN-13 (15)


Serie Salud


1 November 2024