Genetics, Basic Concepts and Generalities

Gustavo Forero Acosta, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


This material is an important resource within the guiding documents for the academic, pedagogical and didactic activities of students of an introductory genetics course. It includes concepts, fundamentals and applications of basic genetics in agricultural sciences and serves as a pedagogical tool for students in the School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences. Students take this course as a common requirement in their programs or as an elective course in other programs where it is not included. This material focuses specifically on basic genetics, including the concepts of genetics, cell, cell cycle, DNA, RNA and genes. It also describes and provides examples of Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetic models and introduces basic statistical concepts used in basic genetics. Other topics such as mutations, chromosomal aberrations, linkage or genetic mapping are not covered, since, according to the internal coherence of the courses offered at the University, these are part of the advanced course on plant breeding, where they are explored in greater detail. The material includes several exercises and review questions to help students apply the content covered.

Palabras clave: Genetics, Evolution, Inheritance


  • Presentation
  • Introduction
  • Cell Theory
  • DNA condensation
  • Basic conceptualization of DNA, RNA and gene
  • Mendel’s genetics
  • Probability and proof of phenotypic proportions
  • Mendelian Crosses
  • Non-Mendelian Crosses I
  • Non-Mendelian Crosses II

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Cómo citar

Forero Acosta, G. (2024). Genetics, Basic Concepts and Generalities. Sello Editorial UNAD.

ISBN-13 (15)



1 November 2024